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Dental Bonding vs. Dental Fillings

If you are looking to transform your smile and teeth then dental bonding and fillings are a great option. Our Windsor dentists are here to talk about the differences between dental bonding and dental fillings.

Genetics, dietary habits, and trauma can all be factors when it comes to your teeth becoming stained, broken, or chipped. While not all of these issues affect the functionality of your teeth, they can affect the appearance of your smile.

Even if you haven’t sustained physical damage to your teeth, you may still be unhappy with their appearance. Teeth that are uneven in length or misshapen can be genetic and can cause feelings of insecurity in some people.

Is there a difference between dental bonding & dental fillings?

In terms of cosmetic and restorative dental procedures, dental bonding and dental fillings are two of the most common treatment options.

You may wonder, though, if dental bonding and fillings are the same. While dental bonding and fillings have some similarities, they also have some differences. Dental bonding can address both cosmetic and restorative issues, while fillings are primarily for restorative purposes.

What is dental bonding?

Dental bonding uses colour-matched composite resin to build up and restore the natural shape and appearance of your teeth.

Bonding is a relatively inexpensive way to help restore the look of healthy teeth. This is especially true in cases of minor damage and light decay. It can be used to fix the appearance of chipped teeth as well as discolored teeth, but its benefits are not solely cosmetic.

There are practical uses for dental bonding as well, including protecting tooth roots. Receding gums expose these roots, increasing their vulnerability. Dental bonding can be applied to the teeth to protect the exposed roots, helping reduce sensitivity and the risk of decay.

A bonding procedure at your Windsor dentist typically may take around an hour and can usually be completed in a single visit.

What is a dental filling?

Dental fillings can also be characterized as cosmetic, but they are most often used as a restorative treatment. Fillings repair teeth that have damage on the inside due to decay or an accident. Generally, these are stronger than dental bonding.

The good news is that like dental bonding, fillings can mimic the appearance of the natural tooth because they can be made of materials that closely match the colour of your natural teeth.

For back teeth, however, our Windsor dentists often recommend getting amalgam (silver) fillings. Amalgam fillings are much stronger and are able to withstand daily wear and tear to a higher degree.

If you are in need of restorative dental care then please contact our Windsor dentists today to learn more about the services we offer.

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