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Anxious Patients

Patients | The Avenue Dental Centre | Windsor Dentist

Our Windsor dentists can help provide a relaxing dental experience to help our patients get the care they need.

Dental Anxiety & Your Oral Health

Anxiety around dental appointments is very common, and it can prevent patients from getting the dental care they need. Because regular dental care is the most important factor for preventing oral disease and the need for more complex treatments, it should not be avoided. If you feel anxious about visiting the dentist, we can help!

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Anxiety Management

At the Avenue Dental Centre, we do everything we can to help patients feel relaxed and comfortable when they visit us.

We are here to talk to you about your fears and concerns and establish a plan ahead of time to help you manage your anxiety during the appointment.

During your procedure, we will work at your pace, answer your questions, and take breaks if you need them. Whatever you need, we're here for you.

Dental Sedation

We also offer nitrous oxide as a sedation option for mild relaxation during dental appointments. 

Nitrous oxide (or laughing gas) is inhaled through the nose. The medication calms patients even though they remain awake and able to communicate. It also tends to lessen anxiety, increase pain threshold, reduce gag reflex and make time pass more quickly.

During a procedure, your dentist will be in control of the amount of sedation you receive. The gas will wear off quickly at the end of your appointment, with little to no aftereffects.

Anxious Patients | Windsor Dentist | The Avenue Dental Centre

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Welcome to the Neighbourhood

We're happily accepting new patients to our dental practice in downtown Windsor, and would love to hear from you. 

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